Who can join Bellevue Junior Cheer?

Bellevue Junior Cheer is open to grades 4-8 for students in the Eastside area. If your student is in a lower grade and you feel they would still be a good fit, feel free to contact us using our contact form to let us know the details so we can determine if an exception can be made. Family members and friends of cheerleaders or football players are encouraged to ask as we like to keep families and friends together.

Where is the team located?

The cheer team is comprised of students (including homeschoolers) in the Bellevue and Eastside areas.

When are cheer practices?

Cheer practices are held two weekdays per week for 1.5 hours typically starting the first week of September through the beginning of November (during our football season). At these practices, we learn more cheers and new dance routines for Saturday performances so consistent attendance is important.

Where are cheer practices?

Practices are outdoors on a field in the Bellevue area on weekdays in the late afternoon or early evening.

Is attending cheer camp required to join Bellevue Junior Cheer?

Yes! Many of our cheers and our first performance are learned during cheer camp in late August so attendance is required in order to be join the Bellevue Junior Cheer team. If you would like to be informed of the camp so you can sign up, send us a request using the Contact Cheer page.

What is the time commitment?

Cheer camp in the last week of August for three hours a day for four days.

Practices typically start the first week of September through the beginning of November, are twice a week on weekday evenings for one and a half hours each time. Saturday games can be held any time on Saturday (typically mornings and early to mid-afternoons) for a couple hours. Games typically start the first Saturday in September till the beginning of November (depending on the playoff schedule). Since new Saturday performances are learned during these practice times, your cheerleader needs to attend practices to learn the dance and be able to perform. Then we cheer and perform at junior football games on Saturdays.

Is attendance at practices and games required?

Absolutely. If you know you will not be able to attend several practices or will miss more than one game, please leave your slot to a cheerleader who is able to commit. We understand unplanned, unexpected absences happen such as illness.

Performances are designed where each cheerleader plays an important part, at a specific spot, and all cheerleaders depend on each other to play each position. An absence from a halftime performance is especially stressful for the cheerleaders present since the performance has to be rearranged at the last minute. Therefore, always let us know in advance if your cheerleader cannot attend a performance so we can make arrangements. They can still come to practices and other games, we’ll just change positions for the performance where they cannot attend.

When and where are Saturday games?

Home football games are held at the field at Sammamish High School. The locations of away games are determined near to the start of football season and schedule changes happen during the season. Away games are usually in or near Bellevue, but not always. Typically, games last anywhere between one and a half to two hours and take place in the mornings to early or mid-afternoons.

Are uniforms provided?

Uniforms and gear are provided at no additional cost to families. However, families may need to pay for any pieces that are lost or damaged.

What fees are associated with the program?

The fee to participate in the Bellevue Junior Cheer program is $395 for the entire fall season including cheer camp and related cheer events. This may be paid all at once or in four installments. Registration and payment is on TeamSnap. You may apply for one of our limited scholarships available to families in need by contacting us.

The uniforms and gear are owned by Bellevue Junior Cheer and are lent to you for the season at no additional cost though families may need to pay for any pieces are lost or damaged by their cheerleader.

Do families carpool to and from practices and games?

In the past, many families have carpooled to and from games and practices. Arrangements are made by individual families.

What if my question isn’t answered in the FAQ?

Send a message using the Contact Cheer page.